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- Director of the Biometrics Research Group, since 2011 

- Project (ANR): submission AAP,  2018

- Director of Face Aging Simulator project

- Director of FaceTIM, database 2017

- Organizing BioSMART Conference (IEEE), 2016, 2017, 2018.

- Member of UPEC-UPMV Selection Committee: Summer School, 2015.

- Representative of IEEE EMBS/IEEE Biometric Council, since 2014.

- Director of Msc. Optics, Vision, Image and Multimedia, UPEC, since 2015.

- Director of the International Master Program of Biometrics, UPEC, since 2011.

- Director of MSc. Engineering, UPEC, 2009-2015.

- Director of programme, TISDTR (FA), UPEC, 2009-2012.

- ERASMUS, FST representative member, since 2013.

- Member of UPEC Thesis Committee, (permanent).

- Involved in Distance Learning program development, since 2011.

- Initiator of Distance Learning Network of Biometrics, UPEC, 2012.

- Member of National dissertation committee to select the best PhD thesis in the field of signal, image processing and vision. “Prix de thèse : Signal-Image-Vision 2010-2011”, au titre du Club EEA. 

- Corresponding member "e-learning: médiathèque Club EEA". 

- Corresponding member Club EEA-ASTI, 2009. 

- Member of numerous National Committees for recruiting associate professors (commission de spécialistes, commité de selection,...), 

- Member of UPEC thesis committee, 

- Member of the management Board 'Faculty of Science and Technology', UPEC, 2009. 

- Co-director of the research group « Traitement de l’Image et du Signal », TIS. 

- Member of the management team (équipe de direction), of the laboratory, « Laboratoire Images, Signaux & Systèmes Intelligents, LiSSi. EA. 3956. 

-Vice President in charge of scientific event, IEEE French chapter, EMB, 2006.  

- Member IEEE, Club-EEA.



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