Vice-president Bsc. at the French Consortium USTH
Former Vice-President Research and Innovation Development, University Paris-Est Créteil (UPEC), France
Former Vice-Dean International Affairs, University Paris-Est Créteil (UPEC), France

Face ageing simulator
since 2014
The project FAS has been initiated by UPEC Biometrics Group in 2014, under the supervision of Prof. Amine NAIT-ALI. So far, two PhD thesis have been funded involving E. Farazdaghi and F. Majid Zadeh. More details about the project can be found here.
Contribute in FAS project through following subjective evaluation tasks.
Project A: How much do they look alike?)

BIOCHIP (Intelligent vision system based biometrics for children protection) is an international project, involving three research groups from France (University of Paris-Est), Argentina (Universidad de Buenos Aires) and Brasil (Universidade Federal de Alagoas). Started in january 2012, the purpose is to develop an intelligent system that can be connected to a TV or a computer in order to control the information that may offend young people. More specifically, this system uses facial biometrics. Based on the estimation of person age, videos or websites are filtered according to some given rules. This project is supported by STIC AmSUD. The official website of this project is here.

2008, Requested funds: 168000 €.
BIOSIMETRIE (ANR-Blanc): "Volatile Multimodal Biometric System using Biosignals and Bioimages". A proposal has been submitted in 2008 where the purpose was to propose a multi-biometric security system that takes into consideration Hidden-Biometrics by using the Electrocardiogram (ECG), the Electromyogram (EMG) as well as other biosignals and bioimages that are commonly used in the medical field. In this proposal, other aspects were considered, such as cancellable biometrics.

Since 2007
MeDEISA is a medical image and signal database, proposed by the « Engineering in Medicine and Biology » (EMB) French Chapter of the IEEE, Section France. It can be used as a tool to perform objective evaluations of image and signal processing algorithms (such as coding, denoising, segmentation,…). Furthermore, it can be used to achieve method performance comparisons. Our objective consists in gathering the various acquisition modalities of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, X-rays, Echography, Scintigraphy, with various human organs, various pathologies and various degrees of subtleties.Each image, each spatial, temporal or spacio-temporal sequence is proposed in various formats (DICOM, PNG useful for compression purpose...), jointly with a descriptive text file that specifies the features of each medical image/signal. The access to MeDEISA for downloading the images/signals is totally free of charge. We made it available for scientist communities, obviously for non commercial purposes. The official website of medeisa is here.

Compression of Volumetric Medical Images
Project "Comité Mixte de Coopération Universitaire franco-tunisien", CMCU, «Compression of volumetric medical images/Compression des images médicales volumiques». The purpose of this project is to develop a newtork decdicated specifically to the transmission of huge amount of volumetric medical images. Project supervised by: Christian Olivier and Amine Naït-ali (France). Ammar Bouallègue and Azza Ouled Zaïd (Tunisia). Duration: 3 years.

Proposal: « Aide au diagnostic et au suivi médical de patients atteints de la maladie d'ALZHEIMER », Association France Alzheimer. Proposal submitted jointly with the company T2technologie. Requested funds: 316.000 €.