Vice-president Bsc. at the French Consortium USTH
Former Vice-President Research and Innovation Development, University Paris-Est Créteil (UPEC), France
Former Vice-Dean International Affairs, University Paris-Est Créteil (UPEC), France
I am currently in charge of:
- A MSc. Optics, Vision, Image and Multimedia, which includes the program: International Master of Biometrics, launched in 2011,
I was in charge of:
- A Master of Science (Msc), which included six specialisations.
I was in charge of:
- A Specialisation: Master Traitement de l'information, Systèmes Distribués et Temps Réel (TISDTR), Track (located in Yaoundé (Cameroun)) : Informatique et Réseaux et Télecommunications.
I was in charge of:
- Specialisation: Master Traitement de l'information, Systèmes Distribués et Temps Réel (TISDTR), M1 and M2 FA (apprentissage).
I managed the workshops: Biometrics and new Tehnologies for Continuing Education.
With my students: Graduation Ceremony 2015