Former Vice-President Research and Innovation Development
Former Vice-Dean International Affairs
University Paris-Est Créteil (UPEC), France
International Conference publications
[40] Y. Kabbara, A. Nait-ali, A. Shahin and M. Khalil, « Hidden Biometric Identification/Authentication based on Phalanx Selection from Hand X-Ray Images with Safety considerations », International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools & Applications, Orléans, France, 2015.
[39] I. Assadi, A. Charef, T. Bensouici, N. Belgacem and A. Naït-ali, «QRS Complex Based Human Identification », IEEE International Conference on Signal and Image Processing Applications (ICSIPA), Kuala- Lumpur, Malaysia, 2015.
[38] H. Ben Mansour, R. Fournier, A. Nait-ali, and A. Ben Slimane. “3D Geometric Human Face Modeling”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Human Machine Interaction 2013 (HMI 2013). Chennai, India, 25-27 Mars 2013, pp. 183–187, 2013.
[37] A. Bouchemha, N. Doghmane and A. Nait-ali, «Level feature fusion of multispectral palmprint recognition using the ridgelet transform and OAO multi-class classifier », IEEE International Conference on Networking Sensing and Control, April 10- April 12, 2013, Evry, France.
[36] W. Chaabane, R. Fournier, A. Nait-ali, J. Jacobo, M. Mejail, M. Mottalli, H. Ramos, A. C. Frery and L. Viana, “Supervised biometric system using multimodal compression scheme”, 17th Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition CIARP 2012, pp 382-389, Buenos Aires, Argentina, September 3-6, 2012
[35] L. Boubchir, T. Brahimi, R. Fournier, A. Naït-Ali. “A novel wavelet-based multimodal compression scheme for joint image-signal compression”. Qatar Foundation Annual Research Forum Proceedings: Vol. 2012, CSP11. DOI: 10.5339/qfarf.2012.CSP11 Published online: 19 Oct 2012.
[34] I. ELouèdi, A. Hammouda , H. Rojbani, R. Fournier and A. Nait-ali. “Extracting buildings by using the Generalized multi directional Radon Transform”. 5th International Conference on Image and Signal Processing, ICISP 2012, Agadir, Morocco, June 28-30, pp. 531-538, 2012.
[33] L. Boubchir, T. Brahimi , R. Fournier, A. Naït-ali, “A Novel Multimodal Compression Scheme Based on a Spiral Insertion Function in the Wavelet Domain”, 11th International Conference on Information Sciences, Signal Processing and their Applications. ISSPA 2012, pp. 97-102, 3-5 July 2012, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 2012.
[32] N. Belgacem, A. Nait-ali, R. Fournier and F.Bereksi Reguig. «ECG Based Human Identification Using Random Forests» 8th ICIDT: 2012 International Conference on Information Science and Digital Content Technology (5th ICIS and 8th IDCTA). Jeju Island, Republic of Korea. June 26 - 28, 2012.
[31] N. Belgacem, A. Nait-ali, R. Fournier and F.Bereksi Reguig. « Human Authentication System Based on ECG Signal Using FFT and Random Forests» International Conference on Informatics & Applications (ICIA2012). Malaysia, on June 3-5, 2012.
[30] N. Belgacem, A. Nait-ali, R. Fournier and F.Bereksi Reguig. « Analysis of ECG Using FFT and random Forests for Human Identification Based on LabVIEW» Mediterranean Embedded Computing Conference. Bar, Montenegro. June 19-21 2012.
[29] D. Maatar, R. Fournier, A. Nait-ali and Z. Lachiri « Effect analysis of age and gender on postural stability using PCA decomposition », IEEE workshop on Signal Processing Systems, pp. 349-354, 4-7 oct, 2011.
[28] S. Chantaf, M. Khalil, and A. Nait-ali, « Biometrics using ECG», International Conference on Advances in Biomedical Engineering, Tripoli, Liban, Juillet 2011.
[27] R. Elsaleh, M. Ayache, and A. Nait-ali, « Palm veins biometricsusing Radon transform », International Conference on Advances in Biomedical Engineering, Tripoli, Liban, Juillet 2011.
[26] D. Maatar, R. Fournier, Z. Lachiri, A. Nait-ali, “Décomposition et extraction de phase du signal stabilométrique. Etude de l’effet de différentes entrées sur la stabilité”, Taima’2011 Hammamet, Tunisie, Octobre 2011.
[25] K. Aloui, A. Nait-ali, S. Nacer, “Caractérisation de la surface corticale par analyse de la convexité et de la concavité du maillage surfacique 3D”, Taima’2011 Hammamet, Tunisie, Octobre 2011.
[24] D. Maatar, R. Fournier, Z. Lachiri, A. Nait-ali, “Effect analysis of age and gender on postural stability using PCA decomposition”. SiPS 2011. IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems, pp. 349-354, October 04-07 2011. Beirut, Lebanon.
[23] A. Nait-ali “Beyond Classical Biometrics: when using hidden biometrics to identify individuals”, 3rd European Workhop on Visual Information Processing, pp.241-246, Paris, 4-6 July 2011. (Invited paper).
[22] A. Bouchemha, A. Nait-ali, S. Doghmane “Classification of multispectral palmprint features by level fusion in ridgelet domain : a robust biometric technique”, 3rd European Workhop on Visual information Processing, Paris, 4-6 July 2011.
[21] K. Aloui, A. Nait-ali, S. Nacer, “Geometrical Humain Brian patterns Recognition for Biometric Identification”, 3rd European Workhop on Visual Information Processing, pp. 258-263, Paris, 4-6 July 2011.
[20] E. Zeybek, R. Fournier, A. Nait-ali, “Multimodal compression of image and signal data”, 3rd European Workshop on Visual Information Processing, 3rd European Workhop on Visual Information Processing, Paris, 4-6 July 2011.
[19] A. Nait-ali, “Hidden biometrics: towards using biosignals and biomedical images for security applications”, 7th international Workshop on Systems, Signal Processing and their Applications, May, 2011, Tipaza. (Invited paper).
[18] L. Bennacer, A. Nait-ali, and B. Boulejfane, « Application of an improved version of JPEG 2000 based on mathematical morphplogy to médical images», Sciences of Electronics of Information and télécommunications, Sousse, 12-15 May, 2011.
[17] K. Aloui, A. Nait-ali, and S. Nacer “A novel approach based Brain Biometrics: some preliminary Results for Individual identification,” IEEE Workshop on Computational Intelligence in Biometrics and Identity Management, Paris, France, April. 2011.
[16] L. Boubchir, A. Nait-ali and E. Petit, Multivariate Statistical Modeling of images in sparce multiscale transforms domain”, Int. Conf. Image processing, Hong Kong, 2010
[15] D. Dhouib, A. Naït-ali, C. Olivier and S. Nacer, "Comparison of wavelet based coders applied to 3D Brain Tumor MRI Images", 6th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals and Devices, 2009.
[14] D. Dhouib, A. Naït-ali, C. Olivier and S. Nacer, A. Ouled-Zaid, “Preliminary Results for Wireless Transmission of 3D Brain MRI images: Objective Evaluation of 3D SPIHT and JPEG2K”, 3rd International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies: From Theory to Applications (ICTTA), pp. 1-6, 2008.
[13] A. Makhloufi, A. Ouled-Zaïd, A. Bouallegue, C. Olivier, and A. Naït-ali, "JP3D compressed Domain Watermarking of volumetric Medical Data", 30th IEEE-EMBC, Vancouver (BC, Canada), 2008.
[12] A. Ouled Zaid, A. Bouallegue, A. Naït-ali," Comp-Denoiser to coronary X-ray images, " IEEE, ICME, 2008.
[11] E. Zeybek, A. Naït-ali, C. Olivier et A. Ouled Zaid, " A Novel Scheme for joint Multi-channel ECG-ultrasound image compression, " IEEE Proceedings of the 29th Annual Int. Conf. of the Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS). pp. 713-716, August 2007.
[10] A. Ouled Zaid, A. Naït-ali et Christian Olivier, "Etat de l’art sur la compression des images médicales volumiques, " TAIMA, Tunis, May, 2007.
[9] Z. Ramdane-Cherif, A. Naït-ali, J. F. Motsch, and M. O. Krebs, "Parametric analysis of eye tremor movement during ocular fixation," IEEE Proceedings of the 25th Annual Int. Conf. of the Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS). CD-ROM : ISBN : 0-7803-7790-7, Cancun (Mexico), Sept. 2003.
[8] N. Cherrid, A. Naït-ali, P.Siarry, “Optimal alignment of BAEPs by modelling their non stationarities”. IEEE Proceedings of the 25th Annual Int. Conf. of the Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS). CD-ROM : ISBN : 0-7803-7790-7, p. 2355-2358. Cancun (Mexico), Sept. 2003.
[7] Z. Ramdane Cherif, A. Naït-ali, J F. Motsch, M. O. Krebs, "Recording and analyzing a eye movements during ocular fixation in schizophrenic subcts ", Proceeding of the IEEE 28th Annual Northeast Bioengineering Conference, 2002, ISBN: 0-7803-7419-3, pp 217-218.
[6] Z. Ramdane Cherif, A. Naït-ali, J F. Motsch, M. O. Krebs, "An Adaptive calibration of an infrared light device used for gaze tracking", Proceeding of the 19th of IEEE-Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, 2002, ISSN: 1091-5281,Vol. 2, 1029-1033.
[5] N. Cherrid, A. Naït-ali, and P. Siarry, "A new approach for BAEP analysis using simulated annealing method," IEEE Proceedings of the Second Joint EMBS/BMES Conference Bioengineering – Integrative Methodologies, New Technologies. CD-ROM : ISBN : 0-7803-7613-7, p. 198-199. Houston (USA), October 2002.
[4] A. Naït-ali, N. Cherrid, P. Siarry, J.F Motsch, “Time delay estimation of BAEPs using Simulated Annealing”.13th Int. Conf. on Systems Research, Informatics and Cybernetics INTERSYMP’2001, special focus symposium on Decision Technology and Intelligent Information Systems. Proceedings published by the International Institute for Advanced Studies in Systems Research and Cybernetics, ISBN 1-894613-08-2, Vol. II, p. 44-48. Baden-Baden (Germany), August 2001.
[3] Z. Ramdane Cherif, A. Naït-ali, J F. Motsch, M. O. Krebs, " Measure and analysis of a gaze position using infrared light technique ", Proceeding of the 23rd annual International Conference of the IEEE-Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2001, Vol. 3, 3042-3045; ISSN:1094-687X.
[2] A. Naït-ali, O. Adam, and J. Motsch, "On optimal aperiodic stimulation for brainstem auditory evoked potentials estimation," presented at 19th Annual International Conference of IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society IEEE EMBS, Chicago, Illinois, USA, 1997. (CD-ROM).
[1] A. Naït-ali, O. Adam, and J. Motsch, "The brainstem auditory evoked potentials estimation using a bayesian deconvolution method," presented at 18th Annual International Conference of IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1996. (CD-ROM).