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Call for Book Chapter

Title: "Hidden Biometrics: when biometrics meets biomedical engineering", Publisher Springer

Important dates

Chapter submission deadline: October, 2018.



Scope: Biometrics is commonly used to recognize individuals by their physical or behavioral characteristics. From the literature, one can point out that most of the publications are devoted to some main identification or verification modalities, such as: fingerprint, palm-print, face, iris, voice, etc. These biometric security modalities are universal, easily collectable and widely acceptable. Consequently, they have been efficiently embedded in numerous systems and devices, including mobile platforms. In this book, the purpose is to deal with a different biometric category, called Hidden Biometrics. Unlike the common biometrics, Hidden biometrics explores intrinsic and human body parts or their physiological activities, invisible to the naked eye. For instance, this may concern brain structures, heart activity, skeleton morphology,...etc. These human body parts can be visualized only by some specific imaging techniques, or using some specific sensors, employed basically in the biomedical engineering field. Therefore, the major objective of this book is to connect two fields, namely biometric security and biomedical engineering.

The content of this book is suitable for final-year undergraduate students, postgraduate students, engineers and researchers in the field of Computer-engineering, Computer graphics, Biometrics, Biomedical engineering and more specifically applied Digital Signal and Image processing.


Keywords: Biometric security, Biomedical engineering, Hidden biometrics. 


----: available topic

----: already assigned topic



Chapter 1: Biometric security: a review


Chapter 2:  Individual verification using ECG


Chapter 3: EEG signal analysis for biometric applications


Chapter 4: EMG signal as bio-signature


Chapter 5: Human identification using X-ray images


Chapter 6: Brain biometrics


Chapter 7: Eye movement analysis in Biometrics


Chapter 8: Vein image analysis


Chapter 9: Retinal image processing in Biometrics


Chapter 10: Multispectral biometric modalities


Chapter 11: Dental biometrics


Abstract submission

Note: your chapter title can be the same as proposed in the table of contents, otherwise you can suggest another one within the scope of this book. 

Chapter submission


Prof. Amine NAIT-ALI,

Université Paris-Est Créteil (UPEC)

Laboratoire Images, Signaux et Systèmes Intelligents (LISSI, EA 3956)

122 rue Paul Armangot, 94400 Vitry sur Seine


Email: naitali(at)

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